Lapsey Privacy Policy

Below is more information about the personal information collected from Lapsey. As an overview, we aim to collect as little information as possible – we want to make money selling great apps, not by selling your personal data.

The only information we collect is collected to make the app a better experience for our users. To do this, we collect crash logs where the user has opted to send them. If you have agreed to send crash logs when setting up your iOS/iPad OS device, then we’ll get a copy of those crash logs if you have a crash (which hopefully you don’t!).

We also receive anonymized usage data from Apple if you’ve opted into it. This may include data like device energy usage or performance metrics. This is only data related to the usage of Lapsey and not when doing anything else on your device.

For further information, please don’t hesitate to contact me at

I hope you enjoy using Lapsey.